
My name is Brandon Bedoya and I’m an undergraduate student in CCNY pursuing a career in computer science. This website was designed to post my academic portfolio including the writing assessments that I have completed throughout my freshman year of college. This includes a variety of works such as a lab report analysis, a technical description, a group engineering proposal and lastly a self assessment essay. These are hours of work in which includes planning, drafting and editing that have helped me improve my writing and show my progress throughout each assessment. There were course learning objectives that I needed to meet at the end of the semester, and I believe that I have accomplished them to the point where I can affirm my improvement as a writer.

Course Learning Objectives:

  • Acknowledge your and others’ range of linguistic differences as resources, and draw on those resources to develop a rhetorical sensibility
  • Enhance strategies for reading, drafting, revising, editing, and self-assessment
  • Negotiate your own writing goals and audience expectations regarding conventions of genre, medium, and rhetorical situation
  • Develop and engage in the collaborative and social aspects of writing processes
  • engage in genre analysis and multimodal composing to explore effective writing across disciplinary contexts and beyond
  • Formulate and articulate a stance through and in your writing
  • Practice using various library resources, online databases, and the Internet to locate sources appropriate to your writing projects
  • Strengthen your source use practices (including evaluating, integrating, quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing, synthesizing, analyzing, and citing sources)